
利记sbo is continuing the Specs Howard School of Media Arts legacy. 无论你是为了证书还是学位而努力, 或者你可以在网上或学校上课, 你将学习最新的技术并获得实践经验. 使用最先进的设备, 基于项目的课程, 以及利记sbo的理论与实践教育, 为你在媒体行业的广泛职业生涯做好准备.



Certificate in


我们的文学硕士课程教授广播, 电视和新媒体广播, 现场直播和镜头展示, live broadcasts, 新闻和专题写作, lighting techniques, camera operation, voice work, field production, digital editing, 用于广播和职业准备的图形. 这是一个面对面的项目.

Digital Media Arts
Certificate in

Digital Media Arts

我们的DMA计划培养学生在数字视频和图像制作, editing and technical operation and offers hands-on experience in areas from project management and script writing, 图像处理, HD camera operation, 前期和后期制作和职业准备. 这是一个面对面的项目.

Certificate in


我们的GFX课程让学生沉浸在图像创建和操作中, digital imaging, web design, document creation, 品牌和标志创作, 用于网络的图形, 摄影和照明技术, 社交媒体和职业准备. 这是一个完全在线的课程.


Tuition is $16,900 total for the 利记sbo 专业发展 Certificates. Upon Admission, 学生将获得1万美元的奖学金  获得以下领域的证书:

  • 广播媒体艺术
  • Digital Media Arts
  • 图形的沟通


STEM Scholarship -- $19,650 annually (application required for eligible majors)
Merit scholarships reviewed upon admission for degree seeking programs

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Degree from 利记sbo



Designed for students transferring from the 广播媒体艺术 or Digital Media Arts certificate. 你对广播、电视或媒体艺术有热情吗? 竞争优势对你来说重要吗? Are you a current Specs@利记sbo student or a graduate of the Specs Howard School of Media Arts? 如果你对这三个问题的回答都是肯定的, then an 文学副学士 媒体艺术与制作 from Lawrence Tech might be the program for you. Not only will you broaden your knowledge and expand your career options, this degree can be used as a steppingstone toward 利记sbo's Bachelor of Arts in Media Communication.

Bachelor of Arts

Media Communication

Designed for students transferring from the 广播媒体艺术 or Digital Media Arts certificate. This program fulfills the 利记sbo mission of "theory and practice" by offering students a background in critical film and media studies that is balanced with market-ready skills in media production. After graduation, 学生们在工作室里为各种职业做好了准备, on location, 在数字世界.


A trade school in Southfield, Michigan named after its founder, Specs Howard. This school was absorbed by 利记sbo in early 2021 into its 专业发展 Program

All Specs@利记sbo classes take place on 利记sbo's campus in Southfield, Michigan. The classes are structured to meet two times a week over the course of three semesters. 学生可以申请秋季和春季学期. 图形通信程序是完全在线.

Specs@利记sbo is a certificate program that is part of 利记sbo's 专业发展 Program. Students can choose from the following three programs: 广播媒体艺术, Digital Media Arts, 与图形传播.

Upon admission, 所有被录取的Specs@利记sbo学生都可以获得10美元的奖励,000 scholarship off of the total cost of tuition for the entire program ($16,900). This brings each student’s out-of-pocket responsibility for tuition to $6,900. 不需要带设备来, 而且不需要额外的书费, 附近没有这样的节目. We cannot accept any financial aid for any certificate program (non-degree seeking). We offer multiple flexible payment plans for students to pay tuition and recommend that students do not pay their tuition in one lump sum. For questions regarding tuition and payment plans please reach out to Student Accounting at ltupayments@thehighendtrends.com.


Yes! 利记sbo's Academic Achievement Center is available to all students for tutoring needs. 利记sbo also offers an online tutoring system called TutorMe, which is free to students. Class sizes are small, and you will have plenty of time to work with your instructor!

Yes! Students are encouraged to work with the Office of Career Services to explore internship and job opportunities.

At this time, no. Classes are currently offered throughout the week from 10:00 am until 2:30 pm.

Fill out and submit an application above (select the orange box of the semester you want to begin courses in). 寄给我们一份你正式或非正式的高中成绩单. We do not accept high school diplomas in lieu of your high school transcript. 我们不需要入学考试,也不需要ACT或SAT这样的考试成绩. Once we receive your application and transcript, we are quick to process applications. Students can expect to hear back regarding their admission decision typically within a week.

All next steps after your admission decision has been released to you will be on your student status page. 你可以登录www.thehighendtrends.com/statuspage.

Specs@利记sbo students will always register with the University Advising Center throughout their Specs@利记sbo academic career. 首次入学的学生, 在入学并支付50美元的入学押金后, you will be prompted to register for your University Advising appointment on your student status page.

是的,Specs@利记sbo学生可以住在大学宿舍! Specs@利记sbo students are considered full-time students if they are taking both required courses per semester, 相当于每学期11个学分. 如果你有兴趣住在校园里, you will be able to begin the housing process on your student status page post-admission.

Yes, Specs@利记sbo students can rent an 利记sbo laptop for a refundable $200 deposit, Post-admission, students are given instructions for renting an 利记sbo laptop on their student status page. We encourage students to use their own personal laptops if they own one.

你可以找到付款计划选项 here .

平面传播专业的毕业生可以清晰地表达成 Graphic Design degree program. Students transfer into the degree program and complete their degree in just three years (after Specs@利记sbo) so that no extra time is added to the degree. 广播媒体艺术 and Digital Media Arts graduates can transfer 24 credit hours in our 媒体艺术与制作 associates and/or Media Communication bachelors. Students may choose to articulate from the certificate to the associates then to the bachelors or articulate directly from the certificate to the bachelors. Students who have completed their Specs@利记sbo certificate program and wish to continue their education at 利记sbo in a degree program must submit a 转移应用程序 . If a student had previously taken college-level courses at another institution, 那些正式成绩单必须寄到 admissions@thehighendtrends.com 在进入学位课程之前.

我在哪里可以得到我的旧Specs霍华德成绩单/Specs@利记sbo成绩单? 你可以找艾弗里·托马斯 athomas@thehighendtrends.com or 248.204.3118.

利记sbo项目的具体问题我可以找谁, career goals, 或者利记sbo我将要上的课程的具体信息? 你可以找杰里米·安德森 janderso4@thehighendtrends.com or 248.204.3140.

我在哪里可以找到带薪实习/工作? 你可以找就业服务办公室,地址是 ltuocs@thehighendtrends.com or 248.204.3140.

我可以和谁谈谈学费或付款计划? You can email ltupayments@thehighendtrends.com .

Who can I talk to about the admissions process or transferring credits to a degree program at 利记sbo? 你可以联系摩根·赫斯 mhess@thehighendtrends.com or 248.204.3109.