Certificate in
我们的文学硕士课程教授广播, 电视和新媒体广播, 现场直播和镜头展示, live broadcasts, 新闻和专题写作, lighting techniques, camera operation, voice work, field production, digital editing, 用于广播和职业准备的图形. 这是一个面对面的项目.
Certificate in
Digital Media Arts
我们的DMA计划培养学生在数字视频和图像制作, editing and technical operation and offers hands-on experience in areas from project management and script writing, 图像处理, HD camera operation, 前期和后期制作和职业准备. 这是一个面对面的项目.
Certificate in
我们的GFX课程让学生沉浸在图像创建和操作中, digital imaging, web design, document creation, 品牌和标志创作, 用于网络的图形, 摄影和照明技术, 社交媒体和职业准备. 这是一个完全在线的课程.
Tuition is $16,900 total for the 利记sbo 专业发展 Certificates. Upon Admission, 学生将获得1万美元的奖学金 获得以下领域的证书:
- 广播媒体艺术
- Digital Media Arts
- 图形的沟通
STEM Scholarship -- $19,650 annually (application required for eligible majors)
Merit scholarships reviewed upon admission for degree seeking programs
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Degree from 利记sbo
Designed for students transferring from the 广播媒体艺术 or Digital Media Arts certificate. 你对广播、电视或媒体艺术有热情吗? 竞争优势对你来说重要吗? Are you a current Specs@利记sbo student or a graduate of the Specs Howard School of Media Arts? 如果你对这三个问题的回答都是肯定的, then an 文学副学士 媒体艺术与制作 from Lawrence Tech might be the program for you. Not only will you broaden your knowledge and expand your career options, this degree can be used as a steppingstone toward 利记sbo's Bachelor of Arts in Media Communication.
Bachelor of Arts
Media Communication
Designed for students transferring from the 广播媒体艺术 or Digital Media Arts certificate. This program fulfills the 利记sbo mission of "theory and practice" by offering students a background in critical film and media studies that is balanced with market-ready skills in media production. After graduation, 学生们在工作室里为各种职业做好了准备, on location, 在数字世界.